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I have not been purchasing Diesel cars from Main Dealers for almost a year. My reason being I could see how things were likely to develop in the Diesel sector and the impact this would have on prices.
My fears were well founded and prices have really suffered – it would be fair to say there is now a glut of Diesel cars on the market as “distressed” sellers look to mitigate their losses.
NOW – I learned many years ago in my stock-market days that “fire sale markets” bring with them great buying opportunities. One of the basic lessons in any market is – if you can GET IN 5% off the bottom you are doing very well! Neither I nor anyone else can be certain we have reached that point – however, I believe we are much closer to it than 6 months ago and now is the time to take a fresh look.
So if you are looking to keep a car for a medium to long-term period and are prepared to ignore any future adverse publicity then now could be a good time to buy.
I am looking to dip a toe back in the water and make selective purchasers where I consider the downside has already been built into the price – Will these be bargains of a lifetime? Only time will tell.

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